"Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break." ~William Shakespeare

Friday, August 13, 2010

What the hell?

I still have a really hard time wrapping my head around this entire thing. I mean, what the hell? Have you ever watched, and I mean WATCHED, someone just waste away and die from brain cancer? Its not something you can just put behind you. That is something that sticks with a person. It effects you, and you don't even realize how much until you do not have anything to occupy your mind anymore. Suddenly, all the things that needed attending to are gone, and you have time to sit back and just wonder, "What the HELL was THAT all about?" Such a terrible ending, who wrote this freaking book, because they had a good thing going. The plot was pretty fantastic. Great love story, but whats up with the terrible ending? Did you run out of time? Were you in a freaking hurry? That's all that you could come up with, seriously? Its just like that movie City of Angels. Great plot, fantastic plot, in my opinion! You are SO excited when you think they are going to get to be together after all of that. She is rushing to the local market because she wants to show him what pears taste like. I mean, he was an angel, he fell from heaven to be with this woman. Happy ending, right? You would be wrong. She's not paying attention and SPLAT! Hit by a log truck, DEAD. It makes you ask, "What the HELL!?"

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